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Academic Careers
The PhD Place

PhD Wisdom from ‘The Thesis Whisperer’ Inger Mewburn: Working Sustainably, AI Panic, and Careers Hope

Inger ‘The Thesis Whisperer’ Mewburn is something of a superhero to PhD students around the world, dedicated to improving doctoral experiences and post-PhD employability. In this interview, our Editor-in-Chief Charlotte Marino is delighted to share Inger’s wisdom on everything from careers advice to the moral panic around AI – all the while advocating for a kinder, more inclusive academia.

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Jake Dunlop

Anxiety in Academia: Using Anxiety as My Superpower  

Anxiety is a debilitating condition that can make the simplest of tasks difficult, let alone a PhD. This empowering article follows Jake’s experience with anxiety during sixth form and university, and how once he discovered research he began to view anxiety as a superpower to keep his PhD pushing forwards. He shares anxiety-reducing techniques for when it gets too much, including affirmations and breath control, and emphasises the value of accepting anxiety in your life.

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Charlotte Marino

Neurodivergence, Mental Health and the PhD: A Compilation of Advice and Support

Are you navigating a PhD with neurodivergence and mental health challenges, or want to find out how you can support those who do? In this article, our Editor-in-Chief reflects on five impactful stories from PhDers who’ve been there. Discover their strategies for success and prioritising wellbeing in an often-unaccommodating world. Click the subheadings to enjoy the full articles for yourself!

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Lauren Smith

Supporting Your Wellbeing as an Autistic Postgraduate Researcher 

Nurturing your wellbeing is a crucial part of the PhD. This article is packed with wisdom and insights on supporting (and advocating for) your own wellbeing during the PhD journey, from an autistic perspective. It emphasises the need to remind yourself of the wider picture and embrace the ups and downs of the PhD journey.

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Jo Strang

Realising I Have ADHD During My PhD: A Hidden Battle

This article details the experience of a Professional Doctorate student (and full-time working parent) suddenly becoming aware that she has ADHD – being given a new, neurodivergent lens through which to see herself, and the additional challenges (and solutions) that it brings to a PhD journey. The article offers solutions for coping with a neurodivergent brain in a world generally designed for neurotypical ways of functioning.

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Kristy Smith

How to do a PhD when you have ADHD Part 1: Academics

Guidance for doing a PhD with ADHD and make the most of your abilities with these helpful strategies. From capitalizing on hyperfocus and taking productive breaks, to creating multiple points of contact for deadlines and commitments, this guide is packed with tips to help you work with your ADHD rather than against it.

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