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Dive into a world of insightful articles, captivating stories, and expert guidance from researchers. Explore the latest findings, cutting-edge research, and engaging narratives that contribute to the ever-evolving realm of knowledge.

Anita Chonzi

Full-Circle Journey of a Doctoral Student: Applications, Interviews, and Mentoring Others 

This article takes the reader on a journey of a doctoral student, from applications, interviews, and building a relationship with supervisors, to coming full circle by mentoring other students starting out and facing challenges. The writer shares their advice and their own personal experience of each stage, including their fulfilling mentoring work promoting awareness of mental wellbeing among PhD students.

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Jim Hulbert

Travelling, Working, And Returning To Academia

A former history MA graduate, Jim Hulbert, recounts how he went from traveling to working, and returning to academia. After some years of working, he decided to pursue a PhD, a journey that was jumpstarted during the COVID-19 pandemic when he was furloughed from work.

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Academic Careers
Emmanuel Tsekleves

Succeeding at Your Next Postdoc or Lectureship Interview: 5 Insider Tips 

Want to impress potential employers during your next postdoc or lectureship interview? This article has insider tips from an experienced hiring committee member. Learn how to research the institution and interviewers, prepare examples of your teaching and research experience, practice common interview questions, highlight your collaborative skills, and ask thoughtful questions to impress your interviewers and stand out from the crowd. By following these tips, you can show that you are the ideal candidate for the position and help advance your career in academia.

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Career and Networking
Chris Thompson

I’m Only a PhD Student, Get Me Out of Here!: Overcoming Your Apprehension to Teach During Your PhD

If you aspire to be a lecturer after your PhD, then teaching experience is paramount. There can be apprehension to teach among PhD students based on a perceived lack of subject knowledge, not feeling ready, or having concerns about public speaking. This is only natural. Nevertheless, this article details five ways around this if you give yourself enough time during your PhD!

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Dissertation Defence/ Viva
Sue Lynn Mah

The Week Before My Viva

Sue Lynn Mah shares her experience preparing for and passing her PhD viva in her article. In the week leading up to the big day, she re-read her thesis, had a mock viva with her supervisor, practiced explaining her work to people outside of her field, and printed out a physical copy of her thesis. Her tips for viva success include picking out your outfit in advance and practicing your elevator pitch.

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