Dr. Jen Harrison is a highly experienced dissertation coach. A PhD herself, she has coached and supervised first-generation, ESL, and non-traditional students in the UK and USA for more than 10 years. Many of them have achieved first-class degrees. She offers support in writing, research design, motivation, and research methods and specializes in helping you achieve your dissertation and career goals quickly and easily, so you can feel confident and supported moving forward. You can find her at www.readwriteperfect.com or on Twitter as @perfect_write.

The Journey to Authenticity in Academia

‘If a PhD is to be an ordeal – and indeed, it is – then let it be an ordeal wherein you find meaning in something that is true to yourself’. This article explores the feelings of imposter syndrome and the pressures to follow academic trends at the start of your PhD journey, disconnecting you from your true interests. A translation project helped the author realise the value of embracing his authentic self and focusing on what truly resonates with him. By shifting to linguistics and translation studies, the author found fulfilment and meaning in his research.

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