Anmol (he/him) is currently pursuing a double Ph.D. at the University of Groningen and IIT Roorkee. He is working on identifying and understanding mechanisms involved in different cognitive tasks/behaviors (cognitive workload, depression, meditation, etc.) using EEG and Artificial Intelligence (machine learning, deep learning, cognitive modeling). Follow him on Twitter: @chirping_ai

Six Ways To Prepare For Your Upcoming PhD

Dr Chris Thompson offers six ways to prepare for a PhD. Alongside finding rest, students should reach out to current PhD students or experienced academics to absorb their wisdom, research their new surroundings, and connect with future colleagues to create a network before starting.

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Finding the Right Supervisors: An Underrated Springboard to Enjoying the PhD Journey 

Mentors and supervisors are invaluable helpers on our PhD journey, yet this aspect of a PhD is often not considered enough to ensure they are the right fit for us. This article, from a Ghanian perspective, provides advice on finding and maintaining the right supervisors, who have the potential to completely transform one’s PhD journey into an enjoyable one. It reminds us that supervisors should be seen not as someone to try to replicate, but to springboard us into attaining our own personal goals.

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