O'Brien is a first year PhD student at Nile University of Nigeria. His research interests are environmental bioremediation, green chemistry and environmental sustainability. Beyond research, he is a firm believer in the power of effective scientific communication and collaboration. He actively participates in scientific conferences and engages in knowledge exchange to foster a vibrant network within the environmental science community.

Changing Degrees and Pursuing My Own Passions: My Journey to a Fulfilling PhD 

Ever spent years in a degree you were not happy with? This PhD student has, and she advocates for being brave enough to choose personal fulfilment over societal expectations and conventional timelines. In this article, she shares her breakthrough in changing academic direction to a path that better aligns with her passions, and offers empowering words to others who may be in a similar situation.

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Finding the Right Supervisors: An Underrated Springboard to Enjoying the PhD Journey 

Mentors and supervisors are invaluable helpers on our PhD journey, yet this aspect of a PhD is often not considered enough to ensure they are the right fit for us. This article, from a Ghanian perspective, provides advice on finding and maintaining the right supervisors, who have the potential to completely transform one’s PhD journey into an enjoyable one. It reminds us that supervisors should be seen not as someone to try to replicate, but to springboard us into attaining our own personal goals.

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