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Featured Academic

Nayanna Mercado-Soto

PREP: A Non-Traditional Route To PhD

Discover Nayanna Mercado-Soto’s non-traditional path to pursuing a PhD in Biomedical Sciences by participating in a Postbaccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP). Read about how this program helped her gain research experience, improve her communication skills, and prepare for the grad school application cycle.

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Jim Hulbert

Travelling, Working, And Returning To Academia

A former history MA graduate, Jim Hulbert, recounts how he went from traveling to working, and returning to academia. After some years of working, he decided to pursue a PhD, a journey that was jumpstarted during the COVID-19 pandemic when he was furloughed from work.

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Applications and Funding
Tess Watt

How to Handle the Jump Straight from Undergrad to PhD 

Are you considering going straight from an undergraduate degree to a PhD, skipping the master’s? At 22 years old, Tess shares her experience of this and provides some valuable insights about how she prepared and applied for her PhD in Computing without doing a master’s degree.

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Applications and Funding
Kieron McCallan

Preparing For Your PhD Interview

Ready to take the next step in your academic career with a PhD? Don’t miss out on these top tips for acing your PhD interview, from finding the right project to researching your supervisors and preparing for presentations.

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After accepting an offer
Dai Wenqi

PhD Abroad: How to Navigate Intercultural Interactions 

Are you studying for a PhD abroad? Are you worried about integrating meaningfully into your PhD life in a different country? In this article, Dai Wenqi explores how to socialise and adapt to a new culture during your PhD abroad, providing advice from her lived experiences to help you enjoy your doctoral life to the fullest. This includes respecting and engaging with the culture of your host country, learning the language (but forgo the pressure of perfect fluency), and leaning into your unique personal charm.

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Career and Networking
Kerry McPherson

The Secret Power Of Blogging

Discover the secret power of blogging for PhD students looking to combat boredom and isolation. Kerry McPherson shares her experience starting a collaborative science communication blog and how it led to networking, expanding her communication skills, learning, and even career opportunities.

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Jennie Riley

Publishing from your PhD – What I Wish I’d Known

In this article, Jennie Riley shares what she learned about publishing from her PhD experience. She provides tips on why she decided to publish solo-authored articles instead of turning her thesis into a book, the difference between submitting a chapter and an article, the importance of resilience, and reframing feedback.

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