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Nayanna Mercado-Soto

PREP: A Non-Traditional Route To PhD

Discover Nayanna Mercado-Soto’s non-traditional path to pursuing a PhD in Biomedical Sciences by participating in a Postbaccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP). Read about how this program helped her gain research experience, improve her communication skills, and prepare for the grad school application cycle.

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Applications and Funding
Kristin Hynes

Advice for Passing the Comprehensive Exam

In this article, Kristin Hynes describes her experience of comprehensive exams (required by some US universities.) With 5 tips, Kristin shares how other students can be successful in this part of the admissions process.

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After accepting an offer
John David Vandevert

Applying for a PhD Abroad: How to Thrive as an International Student

Are you applying for a PhD program in a new country and feeling overwhelmed? This article offers some top tips on how to successfully navigate the international waters to help yourself thrive abroad! Important considerations include researching the right country/university fit for you, giving plenty of time to getting a residence permit, and helping yourself feel part of a community in your new city.

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Career and Networking
Chris Thompson

‘Hey, I Just Met You, and This Is Crazy, but Here’s My LinkedIn, so Connect with Me Maybe’: How to Network at Conferences

Want to learn the dos and don’ts of effective networking at academic conferences? This article outlines five steps to maximise your networking potential, complete with template messages to send to your desired connections before and after the event. The article emphasises the importance of manners, personal space, and picking your moments accordingly.

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Dissertation Defence/ Viva
Sue Lynn Mah

The Week Before My Viva

Sue Lynn Mah shares her experience preparing for and passing her PhD viva in her article. In the week leading up to the big day, she re-read her thesis, had a mock viva with her supervisor, practiced explaining her work to people outside of her field, and printed out a physical copy of her thesis. Her tips for viva success include picking out your outfit in advance and practicing your elevator pitch.

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