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Applications and Funding
Amelia Watkins-Smith

PhD Applications In The Social Sciences: A Beginner’s Guide

Looking for guidance on pursuing a PhD in the social sciences? This article outlines two main routes to obtaining a PhD: applying to a pre-existing program or creating and proposing an original research project, and offers advice on how to find supervisors, create proposals, and apply for funding.

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Nayanna Mercado-Soto

PREP: A Non-Traditional Route To PhD

Discover Nayanna Mercado-Soto’s non-traditional path to pursuing a PhD in Biomedical Sciences by participating in a Postbaccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP). Read about how this program helped her gain research experience, improve her communication skills, and prepare for the grad school application cycle.

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Applications and Funding
Fadel Fakih

Applying for a PhD: My Struggles and Triumphs

This article explores the challenges, doubts and pressures faced during the pursuit of a PhD. It takes a close look at how PhD candidates are chosen, highlighting the need for looking into the scientific character of the candidate and their way of thinking rather than just focusing on academic achievements alone. The narrative also highlights coping strategies, advocating for resilience and self-reflection. Ultimately, it offers motivation to others, encouraging them to persevere in their pursuit of knowledge and passion in the face of adversity.

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Academic Careers
Chris Thompson

Death by a Thousand Semesters: Are Academic Careers as All-Consuming as People Say?

The stress and all-consuming nature of pursuing an academic career is often detailed in social media posts and anecdotal tales. Whilst it is useful for PhD students to understand the perils of careers in academia, this article provides further context for some of the issues surrounding progression in the academic profession. It runs through five factors that impact on how all-consuming academic careers can be, ultimately advising you to progress in academia at your own pace.

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Academic Careers
Chris Thompson

Should I Complete Side Projects as a PhD Student?

‘Side projects’ are valuable additional endeavours alongside your PhD that can build your skillset, relevant connections and future employability – both in and outside of academia. This article discusses some common side project ideas for PhD students, and highlights some of the short-term sacrifices required to complete them.

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After accepting an offer
Dai Wenqi

PhD Abroad: How to Navigate Intercultural Interactions 

Are you studying for a PhD abroad? Are you worried about integrating meaningfully into your PhD life in a different country? In this article, Dai Wenqi explores how to socialise and adapt to a new culture during your PhD abroad, providing advice from her lived experiences to help you enjoy your doctoral life to the fullest. This includes respecting and engaging with the culture of your host country, learning the language (but forgo the pressure of perfect fluency), and leaning into your unique personal charm.

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