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To Be or Not To Be (a Reviewer 2): Should I Review Articles as a PhD Student?

For the wheels to continue turning in research, we need reviewers. Although often a thankless endeavour (littered with Reviewer 2 jokes), acting as a gatekeeper for the integrity of your research field remains vital. As a PhD student, you may find the process of reviewing a manuscript pretty novel, but a reviewer request email may enter your inbox in the near future. This article guides you through the pros and cons of reviewing articles.

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Online co-writing group every Tuesday. It’s like a virtual write-in with other struggling procrastinators. Free to join.

"Amazing morning working with everyone at @ThePhDPlace - two hours of good writing done with lots of friendly faces and encouragement. I really recommend joining and coming along weekly (I know I’ll be there from now on)!"


"Grateful for @ThePhDPlace writing group getting me motivated and keeping me company while writing my thesis this morning"


"Great morning joining the @ThePhDPlace for writing and chatting and chicken gossip. Lovely to meet each week for a supportive writing space as a #phd student at @lborouniversity open to all doctoral researchers at Loughborough University!"


Advice and support for your academic journey. Explore the world of doctoral research and academia with insights, tips, and guidance for prospective and current PhD students. Navigate the challenges and rewards of the doctoral journey.

Adriana Cantón

It’s Your PhD: How to Deal With Unhelpful Advice

This article explores how advice, whether solicited or unsolicited, can damage the morale and hope of those doing a PhD. The purpose of this article is to comment on the boundaries that researchers must put in place to avoid being negatively affected: we must be discerning as to whether advice is useful and pertinent, or whether it is not applicable to us. The main message is: don’t listen to everyone, and trust your own judgement!

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PhD Applications
Paige Davies

Mixed Methods PhDs: An Applied Guide

Are you thinking about using mixed methods (both quantitative and qualitative data) in your PhD? This article guides you through different ways of doing mixed methods PhD research, from proposal writing to collecting and analysing data. It emphasises the importance of rigor in mixed methods research and how to achieve this.

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Lucy Shahabian

Changing Degrees and Pursuing My Own Passions: My Journey to a Fulfilling PhD 

Ever spent years in a degree you were not happy with? This PhD student has, and she advocates for being brave enough to choose personal fulfilment over societal expectations and conventional timelines. In this article, she shares her breakthrough in changing academic direction to a path that better aligns with her passions, and offers empowering words to others who may be in a similar situation.

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