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Hoang-Phuc Pham is a PhD student in Polymer Science at the University of Connecticut. He was born in Vietnam and spent six years in Taiwan for his undergraduate and master’s degrees in Chemical Engineering at the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. In addition to research, he is enthusiastic about helping PhD peers become more productive and overcome the shared difficulties of a PhD journey. Hoang-Phuc is especially interested in the arts of multidisciplinary communication and storytelling, recognizing their increasing relevance, even though formal education often neglects these vital skills.

How Generation Z Can Thrive in a PhD

This insightful article highlights how young Gen Z academics can make the most of their unique skills and attributes cultivated by their generational upbringing, and propel themselves towards achieving triumph in their PhD programme and beyond.

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Why Research is the Cornerstone of Development in Kenya

Written by a doctoral student in Nairobi, this article discusses the benefits of research in enabling a country, such as Kenya, to generate increased economic growth and social development. Research is fuelled by curiosity and asking questions, immersing us in discovering everything there is to know – and ultimately propels humanity forward with developments.

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