Donna L. Halper, PhD (She/Her) is an associate professor of Communication and Media Studies at Lesley University, Cambridge MA. She is the author of six books and many articles; her work has appeared in newspapers, magazines, and academic journals. A widely-quoted media historian, her expertise is in the history of broadcasting, representations of women and minorities in popular culture, and the history of fake news. In addition, she researches the history of baseball and has written numerous essays for SABR (the Society for American Baseball Research). A former radio deejay and music director, she is also known for having launched the career of the classic rock band Rush, who dedicated two albums to her.

They Said I Was ‘Too Old’ – My PhD Journey

Donna L. Halper’s PhD journey began after she lost her job in radio and wanted to reinvent herself as a full-time educator. However, being in her 50s and a woman applicant meant that she faced rejection from several universities, making her determined to prove them wrong.

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How to Handle the Jump Straight from Undergrad to PhD 

Are you considering going straight from an undergraduate degree to a PhD, skipping the master’s? At 22 years old, Tess shares her experience of this and provides some valuable insights about how she prepared and applied for her PhD in Computing without doing a master’s degree.

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The H in PhD Stands for Hope: Remaining Hopeful in a PhD Journey

The PhD journey can make us lose hope, feeling trapped in the melancholy that often befriends the doctoral journey. But this empowering and uplifting article, written from a South African perspective, explores the idea of hope being an important friend to PhD candidates, helping us reach the finish line to graduation. Alongside the author’s personal journey with mental health, the article emphasises the importance of prioritising wellbeing, changing strategy when things aren’t working, and always remaining hopeful for the future.

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