Gabriella Simpson is a PhD student at Stony Brook University. Her research focuses on Migration Studies, Transnational Feminism, and Black Geographies.

3 Tips for Applying to PhD Programs

Applying to PhD programs can be confusing, and there is little advice about how to go about applying for them. This article offers three top tips for navigating the PhD application process and making yourself a strong applicant.

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Preparing for the Transfer Viva. My Experience

Get insights into preparing for the transfer viva, an important step in your research journey, from someone who has gone through it. Learn how to focus on your contributions to knowledge, practice your presentation without overdoing it, and trust that you know your research better than anyone else.

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Succeeding at Your Next Postdoc or Lectureship Interview: 5 Insider Tips 

Want to impress potential employers during your next postdoc or lectureship interview? This article has insider tips from an experienced hiring committee member. Learn how to research the institution and interviewers, prepare examples of your teaching and research experience, practice common interview questions, highlight your collaborative skills, and ask thoughtful questions to impress your interviewers and stand out from the crowd. By following these tips, you can show that you are the ideal candidate for the position and help advance your career in academia.

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From Stay-at-Home Mom to Doctorate Student at 50

Not all doctoral degrees are earned in your 30s and 40s. While many pursue doctoral degrees during those years to attain professional gains and financial security, this article shows how enrolling in a PhD program in your 50s can bring a fresh lens due to entering a new season of life and finally having a window of opportunity to step outside your comfort zone.

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