Gemma Rides (She/Her) is a PhD researcher and Teaching Associate in the Department of Psychology at Royal Holloway, University of London. She is interested in the relationship between adolescents' social media use and mental health. Her PhD research is focused on understanding the links between adolescents' online social communicative behaviour, in particular their use of likes, comments and shares, and levels of anxiety and depression. Follow Gemma on ​Twitter: @Gemma_Rides

Finding the Right Supervisors: An Underrated Springboard to Enjoying the PhD Journey 

Mentors and supervisors are invaluable helpers on our PhD journey, yet this aspect of a PhD is often not considered enough to ensure they are the right fit for us. This article, from a Ghanian perspective, provides advice on finding and maintaining the right supervisors, who have the potential to completely transform one’s PhD journey into an enjoyable one. It reminds us that supervisors should be seen not as someone to try to replicate, but to springboard us into attaining our own personal goals.

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My PhD Journey As An International Student

Marika Strano, a first-year PhD student in English Literature at Swansea University, shares her journey as an international student in her PhD program. Despite the difficulties and rejections she faced before being accepted at Swansea, Marika was thrilled when she finally received her offer to study in the UK, but she also shares the challenges of being an international student and how it affects her mental health.

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Navigating Reflexivity: A Guided Example to Move Beyond Reflection

Need guidance writing the reflexivity section of your thesis (or indeed writing reflexively throughout the thesis)? This article defines reflexivity as going beyond reflection to consider the influence of our positionality on our work. It covers three main types of reflexivity – personal reflexivity, methodological reflexivity and philosophical reflexivity – and includes some working examples to illustrate the thought processes and questions that facilitate transparency and rigor in research.

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