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Jade is a soon-to-be doctoral graduate at the University of Nottingham. Her interests include settler-colonial and Indigenous studies, as well as Gothic literature and film. She has published in Gothic Studies journal and has recently completed a chapter in a peer-reviewed collection on Global Aboriginal/Indigenous Horror, forthcoming from The University of Western Ontario. She currently works for The PhD Place and as a copy editor for the University of Wales Press.

Realising I Have ADHD During My PhD: A Hidden Battle

This article details the experience of a Professional Doctorate student (and full-time working parent) suddenly becoming aware that she has ADHD – being given a new, neurodivergent lens through which to see herself, and the additional challenges (and solutions) that it brings to a PhD journey. The article offers solutions for coping with a neurodivergent brain in a world generally designed for neurotypical ways of functioning.

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15 Years in Academia: 10 Things I’d Do Differently If Starting My PhD Again

This article reflects on the author’s 15-year academic journey, detailing the lessons learned from disorganised PhD student to effective work habits as a postdoc and assistant professor, and applying these lessons to their current role at Paperpile. Suzanne offers practical advice on academic writing, productivity, and professional development, emphasizing the importance of daily writing practice, systematic note-taking, reflection, goal setting, and the use of digital tools like reference managers. She shares these insights to help current PhD students avoid similar pitfalls and develop productive habits early in their academic careers.

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