​My name is Keira White and I am currently in the final year of my PhD at the University of Portsmouth. I am investigating quality of life experienced by parents and caregivers of children with speech, language and communication needs. I also have a degree in Human Communication Science and have a specific interest in research conducted in the areas of lived experience, wellbeing and the quality of life experienced by patients and their immediate support networks.

Data Collection In Sensitive Situations

The ethical implications of field research require careful consideration and reflexivity. Chukwudi Njoku offers some reflections of his PhD fieldwork on the pastoralists-farmers conflict in Benue and Taraba States, Nigeria.

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Neurodivergence, Mental Health and the PhD: A Compilation of Advice and Support

Are you navigating a PhD with neurodivergence and mental health challenges, or want to find out how you can support those who do? In this article, our Editor-in-Chief reflects on five impactful stories from PhDers who’ve been there. Discover their strategies for success and prioritising wellbeing in an often-unaccommodating world. Click the subheadings to enjoy the full articles for yourself!

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