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Mercy Rophina is a graduate of Biotechnology from PSG College of Technology, Tamil Nadu, India. She is currently pursuing her final year of PhD under the supervision of Dr. Vinod Scaria at CSIR - Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology (IGIB), New Delhi. Her primary research focus revolves around the domain of ‘Genome informatics’, where she is actively involved in “Understanding the genomic landscape of blood group alleles and antigens in the Indian population”. She has been an active member of various projects that aimed at exploring and understanding the functional impact of genomic variations. Mercy has over 25 research publications in international peer-reviewed journals. She has recently been selected as a coordinator of a research topic titled Emerging Advances in Transplantation and Transfusion Medicine - Insights into Genomic Technologies in Frontiers in Genetics. Reflecting upon her current experiences she is eager to explore new frontiers of public health to make even the smallest difference in community welfare.

What Do I Know Three Years On?

In “What Do I Know Three Years On?” Daniel Walker reflects on his PhD journey and offers advice to those embarking on a similar path. He emphasizes the importance of perspective, self-awareness, and remaining humble, and shares a reflection exercise that helps maintain focus and motivation.

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Spare Me the Lecture: A Short Guide On How to Excel In Your First Teaching Role

If you are reading this, it is assumed that you are about to embark on an exciting new journey in teaching at university level. Congratulations! You are about to enter a highly rewarding area of academia where each day is different and full of opportunity to inspire those around you. This blogpost goes through five key considerations to help you prepare for success before entering the classroom.

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Office 216

Discover how a graduate student’s temporary office space serves as a metaphor for their sense of unbelonging throughout their academic journey, and how they find solace in making the most of the temporary joys that come their way.

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