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Mojalefa Daniel Maluka is a PhD Candidate in Management Studies (Human Resources Management) at the University of South Africa. He is a TVET lecturer and curriculum specialist.

The H in PhD Stands for Hope: Remaining Hopeful in a PhD Journey

The PhD journey can make us lose hope, feeling trapped in the melancholy that often befriends the doctoral journey. But this empowering and uplifting article, written from a South African perspective, explores the idea of hope being an important friend to PhD candidates, helping us reach the finish line to graduation. Alongside the author’s personal journey with mental health, the article emphasises the importance of prioritising wellbeing, changing strategy when things aren’t working, and always remaining hopeful for the future.

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What is Unique About a PhD at Cambridge University?

Meet Cameron, a PhD student from Cambridge University. In this video, he shares his experiences and offers valuable tips to help you make the most of your own academic journey. Join him as he provides insights and guidance for navigating the challenges of pursuing a PhD.

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PhD Abroad: How to Navigate Intercultural Interactions 

Are you studying for a PhD abroad? Are you worried about integrating meaningfully into your PhD life in a different country? In this article, Dai Wenqi explores how to socialise and adapt to a new culture during your PhD abroad, providing advice from her lived experiences to help you enjoy your doctoral life to the fullest. This includes respecting and engaging with the culture of your host country, learning the language (but forgo the pressure of perfect fluency), and leaning into your unique personal charm.

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