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Taylor Darwin (she/her) is a doctoral candidate in Curriculum and Instruction at Texas Tech University. She is a mathematics instructor at a North Central Texas College, which serves various rural communities. Darwin’s dissertation research is focused on underserved rural STEM teachers’ curriculum development, implementation in the classroom, and impact on teachers’ self-efficacy.

What Do I Know Three Years On?

In “What Do I Know Three Years On?” Daniel Walker reflects on his PhD journey and offers advice to those embarking on a similar path. He emphasizes the importance of perspective, self-awareness, and remaining humble, and shares a reflection exercise that helps maintain focus and motivation.

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Coping with Bereavement During a PhD: Grow Around the Grief

Grief is a lesser-discussed topic in academia, but processing grief due to the loss of a loved one compounds the challenges of doing a PhD. In this thought-provoking article, Kathryn Zacharek shares her experience of navigating a PhD during bereavement, where she took time out, leaned on her support networks, and researched ways to let her life ‘grow around the grief’.

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The One Where You Survive A PhD In A Global Pandemic…

Discover how one PhD student survived and even thrived during the global pandemic in this inspiring story of resilience and perseverance. From coping with the uncertainties of lockdown to finding balance and kindness in academic life, this journey offers valuable insights and lessons for anyone pursuing a PhD.

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