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Dive into a world of insightful articles, captivating stories, and expert guidance from researchers. Explore the latest findings, cutting-edge research, and engaging narratives that contribute to the ever-evolving realm of knowledge.

Applications and Funding
Kristin Hynes

Advice for Passing the Comprehensive Exam

In this article, Kristin Hynes describes her experience of comprehensive exams (required by some US universities.) With 5 tips, Kristin shares how other students can be successful in this part of the admissions process.

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Applications and Funding
Kieron McCallan

Preparing For Your PhD Interview

Ready to take the next step in your academic career with a PhD? Don’t miss out on these top tips for acing your PhD interview, from finding the right project to researching your supervisors and preparing for presentations.

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Academic Careers
Emmanuel Tsekleves

Succeeding at Your Next Postdoc or Lectureship Interview: 5 Insider Tips 

Want to impress potential employers during your next postdoc or lectureship interview? This article has insider tips from an experienced hiring committee member. Learn how to research the institution and interviewers, prepare examples of your teaching and research experience, practice common interview questions, highlight your collaborative skills, and ask thoughtful questions to impress your interviewers and stand out from the crowd. By following these tips, you can show that you are the ideal candidate for the position and help advance your career in academia.

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Career and Networking
Michael Nkrumah-Appau

Finding the Right Supervisors: An Underrated Springboard to Enjoying the PhD Journey 

Mentors and supervisors are invaluable helpers on our PhD journey, yet this aspect of a PhD is often not considered enough to ensure they are the right fit for us. This article, from a Ghanian perspective, provides advice on finding and maintaining the right supervisors, who have the potential to completely transform one’s PhD journey into an enjoyable one. It reminds us that supervisors should be seen not as someone to try to replicate, but to springboard us into attaining our own personal goals.

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Thesis and Dissertation
Jennie Riley

Writing Up: What Worked for Me

In this article, Jennie Riley shares how she tackled the writing-up process, including creating a timetable and breaking down her work into smaller goals, ultimately leading to a successful draft.

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