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General guidance

We welcome all science communicators to share articles with us.
Your submission should be between 700-1500 words. 
We don’t accept anonymous submissions. 
Articles will be made available on search engines and promoted through our social media. 
Subheadings are recommended to avoid large chunks of text. 
Please embed any references to accessible open sources within the text itself as links (no bibliography/reference list is needed).

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Our editorial team will provide feedback on your article to ensure that it meets our high standards before publishing. We may request changes to your article and we aim to give you any feedback within two weeks.

Please note that we reserve the right to reject article submissions at our discretion, but we will usually seek to offer corrections rather than reject an article outright. There are a variety of reasons why we may reject an article, but we’ll do our best to work with you to ensure high quality submissions.

'Dissminate' Article Submission Policy

We periodically update our ‘Disseminate’ Article Submission Policy, which you can find here. Please make sure to check for any updates when you visit our site. You should also read our site’s Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy along with this Submission Policy.

Articles submitted to The PhD Place remain the sole copyright of the respective author(s). The “Author” is the person who submits the article using the form below.

The Author holds full rights to commercially reproduce their submitted content.

When you submit an article, you’ll need to provide your name, a short biography, university, and author picture which will be published alongside your article. We don’t accept anonymous submissions.

Articles should be written in accessible, natural language and must be inclusive. They must not contain defamatory, profane, obscene, or illegal material. Articles also must not contain slanderous or libellous content. You’re responsible for ensuring your work and any information provided doesn’t violate intellectual property rights.

The PhD Place acts under the author’s instructions and isn’t obligated to check or confirm the legal use of reproducing any content. The Author indemnifies and defends The PhD Place Ltd for any claims made as a result of alleged infringements.

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If you mention specific academics or organizations in your article, such as supervisors, sponsors/funders, friends, groups, societies, or clubs, you need to confirm that you have their explicit consent to publish their name on The PhD Place within the context of the article.

We review all content and may remove it at any time without prior notice. We’ll never add any information to your article or bio without your permission. You can edit or delete your articles and author information from the live website at any time upon written request.

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If you require assistance or have inquiries regarding our Disseminate! platform, you can get in touch with us by using our contact form. We will gladly assist you with your concerns.

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Should I Complete Side Projects as a PhD Student?

‘Side projects’ are valuable additional endeavours alongside your PhD that can build your skillset, relevant connections and future employability – both in and outside of academia. This article discusses some common side project ideas for PhD students, and highlights some of the short-term sacrifices required to complete them.

Non-Academic Job Interviews: 4 Questions to Get Ready For

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Spare Me the Lecture: A Short Guide On How to Excel In Your First Teaching Role

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