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Dive into a world of insightful articles, captivating stories, and expert guidance from this institution’s researchers. Explore the latest findings, cutting-edge research, and engaging narratives that contribute to the ever-evolving realm of knowledge.

Applications and Funding
Kieron McCallan

Preparing For Your PhD Interview

Ready to take the next step in your academic career with a PhD? Don’t miss out on these top tips for acing your PhD interview, from finding the right project to researching your supervisors and preparing for presentations.

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Applications and Funding
Amelia Watkins-Smith

PhD Applications In The Social Sciences: A Beginner’s Guide

Looking for guidance on pursuing a PhD in the social sciences? This article outlines two main routes to obtaining a PhD: applying to a pre-existing program or creating and proposing an original research project, and offers advice on how to find supervisors, create proposals, and apply for funding.

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Academic Careers
Kate Aguilar

The Trials of the “Trailing Spouse”

Relocating for a PhD and academic career is often not only required of the candidate but their partners and/or children, too. How do we acknowledge and amplify the experiences of “the trailing spouse and families” while also creating systemic change that would make academic career moves more feasible and fulfilling for all involved?

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Academic Careers
Chris Thompson

Should I Complete Side Projects as a PhD Student?

‘Side projects’ are valuable additional endeavours alongside your PhD that can build your skillset, relevant connections and future employability – both in and outside of academia. This article discusses some common side project ideas for PhD students, and highlights some of the short-term sacrifices required to complete them.

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