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PhD Applications
Steven Zhou

Pursuing A Research PhD Is Like Launching Your Own Start-Up Business

Learn about the similarities between pursuing a PhD in a research field and launching a startup business. From selecting a viable research topic to marketing your work, PhD students and entrepreneurs have overlapping skills and mindsets that can lead to success. Read more to find out how PhD students can learn from entrepreneurial techniques to achieve success in academia.

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Applications and Funding
Gabriella Simpson

3 Tips for Applying to PhD Programs

Applying to PhD programs can be confusing, and there is little advice about how to go about applying for them. This article offers three top tips for navigating the PhD application process and making yourself a strong applicant.

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Career and Networking
Aly Flint

Is There Life After A PhD?

Discover what life has to offer after completing a PhD as Aly Flint reflects on her experience as an Early Career Researcher. After looking for work in the academic job market, Flint found The Brilliant Club, which offers rewarding and flexible work teaching university-style short courses to secondary school students, allowing her to create bespoke courses based on her current research.

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Academic Careers
Suzanne O'Regan

15 Years in Academia: 10 Things I’d Do Differently If Starting My PhD Again

This article reflects on the author’s 15-year academic journey, detailing the lessons learned from disorganised PhD student to effective work habits as a postdoc and assistant professor, and applying these lessons to their current role at Paperpile. Suzanne offers practical advice on academic writing, productivity, and professional development, emphasizing the importance of daily writing practice, systematic note-taking, reflection, goal setting, and the use of digital tools like reference managers. She shares these insights to help current PhD students avoid similar pitfalls and develop productive habits early in their academic careers.

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