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Dive into a world of insightful articles, captivating stories, and expert guidance from researchers. Explore the latest findings, cutting-edge research, and engaging narratives that contribute to the ever-evolving realm of knowledge.

Applications and Funding
Kieron McCallan

Preparing For Your PhD Interview

Ready to take the next step in your academic career with a PhD? Don’t miss out on these top tips for acing your PhD interview, from finding the right project to researching your supervisors and preparing for presentations.

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Applications and Funding
Gabriella Simpson

3 Tips for Applying to PhD Programs

Applying to PhD programs can be confusing, and there is little advice about how to go about applying for them. This article offers three top tips for navigating the PhD application process and making yourself a strong applicant.

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Laura Riley

Stops And Starts: The Growing Pains Of The PhD

Get insights from a PhD candidate’s reflective diary on the process of starting, struggling with, and ultimately completing a doctoral research project. Discover the trials and tribulations of getting ethical approval, recruiting participants, and navigating the pandemic while working towards a degree.

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Academic Careers
Chris Thompson

Spare Me the Lecture: A Short Guide On How to Excel In Your First Teaching Role

If you are reading this, it is assumed that you are about to embark on an exciting new journey in teaching at university level. Congratulations! You are about to enter a highly rewarding area of academia where each day is different and full of opportunity to inspire those around you. This blogpost goes through five key considerations to help you prepare for success before entering the classroom.

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Academic Careers
Kate Aguilar

The Trials of the “Trailing Spouse”

Relocating for a PhD and academic career is often not only required of the candidate but their partners and/or children, too. How do we acknowledge and amplify the experiences of “the trailing spouse and families” while also creating systemic change that would make academic career moves more feasible and fulfilling for all involved?

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Final Year Student
Jazli Aziz

How I Wrote My PhD Thesis In One Year

Is it possible to complete your PhD thesis in just one year? Read these tips and tricks for writing your own theses. Discover how Jazli prepared before writing, utilized a “changelog” for his supervisors, wrote whenever he was in the mood, worked on a flexible schedule, had a supervisor that checked his content and not his writing, and, most importantly, enjoyed writing.

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Dissertation Defence/ Viva
Paige Davies

Navigating Reflexivity: A Guided Example to Move Beyond Reflection

Need guidance writing the reflexivity section of your thesis (or indeed writing reflexively throughout the thesis)? This article defines reflexivity as going beyond reflection to consider the influence of our positionality on our work. It covers three main types of reflexivity – personal reflexivity, methodological reflexivity and philosophical reflexivity – and includes some working examples to illustrate the thought processes and questions that facilitate transparency and rigor in research.

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