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Dive into a world of insightful articles, captivating stories, and expert guidance from researchers. Explore the latest findings, cutting-edge research, and engaging narratives that contribute to the ever-evolving realm of knowledge.

After accepting an offer
Cameron Wilson

What is Unique About a PhD at Cambridge University?

Meet Cameron, a PhD student from Cambridge University. In this video, he shares his experiences and offers valuable tips to help you make the most of your own academic journey. Join him as he provides insights and guidance for navigating the challenges of pursuing a PhD.

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After accepting an offer
Dai Wenqi

PhD Abroad: How to Navigate Intercultural Interactions 

Are you studying for a PhD abroad? Are you worried about integrating meaningfully into your PhD life in a different country? In this article, Dai Wenqi explores how to socialise and adapt to a new culture during your PhD abroad, providing advice from her lived experiences to help you enjoy your doctoral life to the fullest. This includes respecting and engaging with the culture of your host country, learning the language (but forgo the pressure of perfect fluency), and leaning into your unique personal charm.

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Applications and Funding
Mikaila Chetty

Applying for a PhD in the Sciences: A 7-Step Guide

This article provides a step-by-step guide for people interested in pursuing a PhD, particularly in the sciences (though much of the advice carries over to other disciplines as well). It emphasizes the importance of identifying personal interests and goals, fully researching different programs, and knowing the key differences between doing a PhD in different countries.

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Career and Networking
Aly Flint

Is There Life After A PhD?

Discover what life has to offer after completing a PhD as Aly Flint reflects on her experience as an Early Career Researcher. After looking for work in the academic job market, Flint found The Brilliant Club, which offers rewarding and flexible work teaching university-style short courses to secondary school students, allowing her to create bespoke courses based on her current research.

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Alternative Careers
Chris Thompson

Non-Academic Job Interviews: 4 Questions to Get Ready For

Are you taking the first steps into careers outside of academia? Anxious about selling yourself to a new audience post-PhD? This is normal, but with the right preparation you can knock your interview out of the park and stand out from the crowd! This article guides you through four important questions to prepare your answers for.

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Thesis and Dissertation
Jennie Riley

Writing Up: What Worked for Me

In this article, Jennie Riley shares how she tackled the writing-up process, including creating a timetable and breaking down her work into smaller goals, ultimately leading to a successful draft.

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