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Applications and Funding
Bettina Lier

PhD Scholarship Proposal: Why I Would Write It Again!

In this article, Bettina Lier shares her experience of applying for a PhD scholarship and how she initially found the application process overwhelming. With the support of her supervisor she overcame her doubts, and successfully completed the proposal. Her story is a great example of how with the right mindset and support, we can overcome any challenge.

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Anita Chonzi

Full-Circle Journey of a Doctoral Student: Applications, Interviews, and Mentoring Others 

This article takes the reader on a journey of a doctoral student, from applications, interviews, and building a relationship with supervisors, to coming full circle by mentoring other students starting out and facing challenges. The writer shares their advice and their own personal experience of each stage, including their fulfilling mentoring work promoting awareness of mental wellbeing among PhD students.

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Applications and Funding
Mikaila Chetty

Applying for a PhD in the Sciences: A 7-Step Guide

This article provides a step-by-step guide for people interested in pursuing a PhD, particularly in the sciences (though much of the advice carries over to other disciplines as well). It emphasizes the importance of identifying personal interests and goals, fully researching different programs, and knowing the key differences between doing a PhD in different countries.

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Jim Hulbert

Travelling, Working, And Returning To Academia

A former history MA graduate, Jim Hulbert, recounts how he went from traveling to working, and returning to academia. After some years of working, he decided to pursue a PhD, a journey that was jumpstarted during the COVID-19 pandemic when he was furloughed from work.

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Dissertation Defence/ Viva
Paige Davies

Navigating Reflexivity: A Guided Example to Move Beyond Reflection

Need guidance writing the reflexivity section of your thesis (or indeed writing reflexively throughout the thesis)? This article defines reflexivity as going beyond reflection to consider the influence of our positionality on our work. It covers three main types of reflexivity – personal reflexivity, methodological reflexivity and philosophical reflexivity – and includes some working examples to illustrate the thought processes and questions that facilitate transparency and rigor in research.

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Jennie Riley

Publishing from your PhD – What I Wish I’d Known

In this article, Jennie Riley shares what she learned about publishing from her PhD experience. She provides tips on why she decided to publish solo-authored articles instead of turning her thesis into a book, the difference between submitting a chapter and an article, the importance of resilience, and reframing feedback.

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