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Dive into a world of insightful articles, captivating stories, and expert guidance from this institution’s researchers. Explore the latest findings, cutting-edge research, and engaging narratives that contribute to the ever-evolving realm of knowledge.

Jim Hulbert

Travelling, Working, And Returning To Academia

A former history MA graduate, Jim Hulbert, recounts how he went from traveling to working, and returning to academia. After some years of working, he decided to pursue a PhD, a journey that was jumpstarted during the COVID-19 pandemic when he was furloughed from work.

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Nayanna Mercado-Soto

PREP: A Non-Traditional Route To PhD

Discover Nayanna Mercado-Soto’s non-traditional path to pursuing a PhD in Biomedical Sciences by participating in a Postbaccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP). Read about how this program helped her gain research experience, improve her communication skills, and prepare for the grad school application cycle.

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Academic Careers
Chris Thompson

Death by a Thousand Semesters: Are Academic Careers as All-Consuming as People Say?

The stress and all-consuming nature of pursuing an academic career is often detailed in social media posts and anecdotal tales. Whilst it is useful for PhD students to understand the perils of careers in academia, this article provides further context for some of the issues surrounding progression in the academic profession. It runs through five factors that impact on how all-consuming academic careers can be, ultimately advising you to progress in academia at your own pace.

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Career and Networking
Chris Thompson

I’m Only a PhD Student, Get Me Out of Here!: Overcoming Your Apprehension to Teach During Your PhD

If you aspire to be a lecturer after your PhD, then teaching experience is paramount. There can be apprehension to teach among PhD students based on a perceived lack of subject knowledge, not feeling ready, or having concerns about public speaking. This is only natural. Nevertheless, this article details five ways around this if you give yourself enough time during your PhD!

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Thesis and Dissertation
Jennie Riley

Writing Up: What Worked for Me

In this article, Jennie Riley shares how she tackled the writing-up process, including creating a timetable and breaking down her work into smaller goals, ultimately leading to a successful draft.

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