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PhD Applications
Steven Zhou

Pursuing A Research PhD Is Like Launching Your Own Start-Up Business

Learn about the similarities between pursuing a PhD in a research field and launching a startup business. From selecting a viable research topic to marketing your work, PhD students and entrepreneurs have overlapping skills and mindsets that can lead to success. Read more to find out how PhD students can learn from entrepreneurial techniques to achieve success in academia.

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After accepting an offer
John David Vandevert

Applying for a PhD Abroad: How to Thrive as an International Student

Are you applying for a PhD program in a new country and feeling overwhelmed? This article offers some top tips on how to successfully navigate the international waters to help yourself thrive abroad! Important considerations include researching the right country/university fit for you, giving plenty of time to getting a residence permit, and helping yourself feel part of a community in your new city.

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Academic Careers
Brian Martin

Tonight, I’m an Academic Star: Top Tips for Applying, Preparing and Presenting at Conferences 

The idea of attending and presenting at academic conferences can seem incredibly intimidating for PhD students. Drawing on his wide range of experiences at conferences around the world, this PhD candidate provides advice and tips on applying, preparing, attending, and presenting at an academic conference. Remember to enjoy your brief time in the spotlight, and remember your presentation is really only a small element of the event!

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Jennie Riley

Publishing from your PhD – What I Wish I’d Known

In this article, Jennie Riley shares what she learned about publishing from her PhD experience. She provides tips on why she decided to publish solo-authored articles instead of turning her thesis into a book, the difference between submitting a chapter and an article, the importance of resilience, and reframing feedback.

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